Enter Plans

To enter your plans below type in the callsign you plan to use during MiQP in the callsign box. If you are a mobile or rover feel free to enter call/m or call/r.

For fixed stations pick the single county you plan to activate from the list box below. For Mobiles or Rovers pick multiple counties from the list box below.

Typically one uses the control key to select/deselect multiple items in a list box. On the Mac use the command key.

If you need to change your plans, simply return to this page and enter new information. When you submit your plans, any previous plans for the call entered are removed from the list.

The purpose of this system is to capture planned operations to make sure all counties are covered and give participants an idea of who is doing what from where.
It is not intended to be an operating aid to capture times for each county. If there is a desire to announce schedules for mobiles or rovers, please do so on the reflector.
